Francis Bacon, a forerunner of digital art

Francis Bacon, a forerunner of digital art



Francis Bacon (1909-1992) was an influential British painter known for his expressionist style and his depictions of the human figure in a context of distress and alienation. Although he did not work with digital technology (as he lived in a time when digital technology was not available in contemporary art), certain similarities and parallels can be identified between his artistic approach and the principles of digital art. Here are some reasons why some consider Francis Bacon as a spiritual predecessor of digital art:


1. Image Manipulation: Bacon often distorted and transformed the human figure in his works, using a technique of distortion that could be considered as an early form of image manipulation. In digital art, image manipulation is a common practice, where artists can transform and alter images according to their preferences.


2. Expressionism and Abstraction: Bacon's style was characterized by his expressionist and abstract approach, often conveying intense and psychological emotions through his paintings. Digital art is often used to express emotions and abstract concepts through shapes and colors, similar to Bacon's work.


3. Exploration of Identity and Alienation: Many of Bacon's works explored themes related to identity, alienation, and solitude. These themes are also common in contemporary digital art, which often focuses on the relationship between humanity and technology, as well as alienation in the digital age.


4. The Fusion of the Human and the Technological: While Bacon didn't use digital technology, his work sometimes featured a fusion of the human with the mechanical or technological, which could be seen as a precursor to similar themes explored in contemporary digital art.


In summary, although Francis Bacon didn't work with digital technology, his artistic approach and exploration of distortion, emotional expression, and alienation can be considered precursors to themes and techniques that are common in modern digital art. Digital art has evolved significantly since Bacon's time, but his influence can be traced in how digital artists approach visual creation and expression in the contemporary era.




Barcelona, October 2023.