The models are photographed in different spaces, normally never in a studio. Afterwards there is an editing process in which we look for imperfection, even a certain degree of distortion of the image to create a more casual effect. Sometimes we paint in oil, tempera, or digitally mixing it directly or later to the photographic image.

The models are real people and we never use artificial intelligence.

Our aim is to create unique works that the viewer feels close to and can somehow generate some kind of reverie.

All our works are accompanied by a certificate of authenticity, hand-signed by us.

Concerning Us

Ruiz was born in Barcelona (Spain) in 1964. He studied photography and cinema at the Institut d'Estudis Fotogràfics de Catalunya and the CECC (Centre d'Estudis Cinematogràfics de Catalunya). He has held photography exhibitions in Barcelona and Sitges, and some of his works have appeared in the press and specialized international magazines.

He is an admirer of Italian cinema, classics such as Fellini or Visconti, or contemporary films such as Guadagnino or Sorrentino, Woody Allen, Almodóvar, Hitchcock and Tarantino. He reads Houellebecq, cozy crime novels and contemporary essays. New York and Cadiz (Andalusia), one to vibrate, the other to create, are his two favourite cities, although he lives in Barcelona. He has written and published several books, including theatre and short stories.His artistic preferences include Picasso, Modigliani and Hockney. Classical jazz and American standards are his usual soundtrack.

Polo was born in Barcelona (Spain) in 1995. He studied desktop publishing and advertising graphics at Elisava and fashion styling and art direction at IDEP (Escuela Superior de Imagen y Diseño), both in Barcelona. He has a degree in Graphic Design and postgraduate degree in documentary photography, journalism and reportage also at IDEP.

He is passionate about the films of Wes Anderson and Orson Welles. His favorite author is Dostoevsky; he enjoys the classics of world literature and essays that deal with various artistic and design disciplines. Madrid is his favorite city. Among the artists he most admires are Francisco de Goya, Edward Hopper and Jackson Pollock. His regular music includes Chet Baker, Sufjan Stevens and Johann Sebastian Bach, among others.