Will digital art be just art in the future?

Will digital art be just art in the future?

The exponential growth of digital art has sparked an intriguing debate within the art world regarding its potential dominance in the future. To shed light on this matter, we've sought the opinions of various international experts in contemporary art, including artists, curators, and scholars, who have shared their perspectives on the subject.



  1. Diana Thater - Artist and Director of the Department of Art at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA): "Digital art has secured a significant place in contemporary art, but we shouldn't regard it as the sole future. It's an exciting manifestation of our digital age, but art as a whole is diverse and encompasses many forms and mediums."


  1. Hans Ulrich Obrist - Artistic Director of the Serpentine Galleries in London: "Digital art is an essential component of contemporary avant-garde. Technology has expanded the artistic vocabulary and, in many cases, challenges our traditional perceptions. It's not the only future of art, but it is indeed a vital one."


  1. Zhang Peili - Pioneering media artist in China: "Digital art is a powerful tool for self-expression in today's world. We shouldn't underestimate its influence on the upcoming generation of artists and viewers. However, analog art will remain an integral part of our artistic history."


  1. Sarah Thornton - Art historian and author of "Seven Days in the Art World": "Digital art is an integral part of the contemporary art scene, but we shouldn't make hasty predictions about its future dominance. Art is cyclical and continually adapts to new technologies and trends."


In summary, while digital art has earned a prominent place in the contemporary art world, experts concur that it should not be seen as the sole future of art. Instead, it represents an exciting and relevant manifestation of our digital era, coexisting with other evolving forms of art. Diversity and adaptability have been intrinsic features of art throughout history.





Barcelona, October 2023.